Careers in General Practice in Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire
233 Wells Road, Knowle, Bristol, BS4 2DF
The team at Wells Road enjoy working in a small, recently refurbished, family friendly practice and are dedicated to supporting GPs deliver exceptional, high quality care.
Appointments are a mix of same day appointments, bookable appointments with a named GP, telephone appointments and triage.
The practice holds regular multi-disciplinary team meetings and offers access to a lead GP for support.
The practice is part of Connexus.
The Wells Road team rate working there as very good.
The team gets together through monthly practice meetings, social events outside of practice, and Away Days.
Staff at Wells Road enjoy opportunities to job share and work part-time, where possible and appropriate.
As well as statutory family friendly benefits such as maternity and paternity leave, adoption and carer’s leave, unpaid leave is also available where agreed.
New members of staff benefit from a full induction, Buddy scheme, Mentoring scheme and social events.
Patients are from a mixed demographic.
In the most recent practice survey, patients rated the practice as very good.