Careers in General Practice in Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire
As part of NHS England’s five-year plan, GP practices will be working in Primary Care Networks – a group of practices working together to share resource and best practice across a small area of 30K – 50K patients. By taking part in Primary Care Networks, practices will be guaranteed funding for up to 20,000 additional staff – one of those roles being Social Prescribers.
We’re championing the role that Social Prescribers can play in helping patients to enjoy real quality of life when they support and enable access to social and community activities such as Walking for Health, Park Runs, coffee morning and hobby activity groups.
Social prescribers -
For these opportunities, aptitude and motivation are more important than formal qualifications. However, it’s likely that candidates will have experience of the health, voluntary or community sector, have worked with individuals in crisis or vulnerable people, and have knowledge of issues such as social isolation, mental health, housing, poor physical activity, employment, debt, diet and access to services.
Just as important are the people skills essential to quickly building trust with people facing challenges, sensitivity and commitment to helping to motivate them, and a flexible approach. Good IT skills and the ability to produce promotional material, monitoring information and reports are all also essential.